A key step in the cow’s lifeTurnout is a critical phase in a cow’s life. It is a period of stress linked to rapid feeding and environment changes. Young spring grass is often rich in water, soluble sugars and nitrogen. It leads to transit acceleration, diarrhoea and, therefore, poor intake of necessary trace elements needed for a good functioning of the organism.
Forages given this winter have particularly been poor in trace elements… Indeed, climatic conditions of last summer have been very harsh and unfavourable to a good bioavailability of trace elements in plants.
Turnout : the challenges in video
What are the links between climate and deficiencies ?
Soil life depends on meteorology: heavy rains, droughts, have an impact on soil leaching, or immobilisation of trace elements limiting the assimilation by plants.
As you have read in the module « Importance of trace elements in animals », deficiencies in animals are responsible for several clinical consequences : loss of production, decreased fertility, reduction of the immuno colostro transfer and of neonatal pathologies.
The overall herd is concerned by these deficiencies: calves, heifers and cows have to be supplemented during the grazing period. Without any supplementation deficiencies will become worst and will have significant impacts on the practice and the herd performances (peripartum pathologies, reproduction issues, weak calves, diarrhoeas…).
To supplement animals, adapted solutions to each farm management type exist: boluses, effervescent tablets, pellets.

During a drought period, plants assimilation of trace elements is poorer.
Vitamins contained in the grass will be destroyed by excessive sunlight. When heavy rainfall follows strong heats, soil trace elements are washed out and their assimilation by plants is decreased.
Cows are subject to heat stroke, inducing cell damages linked to oxidative stress. They lead to intake decrease, production losses, increase of mineral losses through sweating, reduction of fertility and neonatal diseases because of poor colostrum quality.
This practice participates in increasing animal deficiencies by supplying even less trace elements and vitamins. Besides, winter stock in forages is decreasing...
Many solutions

Individual and controlled solution
Thanks to its patented and unique technology,
Oligovet Super Grazing Cow, 8 months of supply : peace-of-mind
Effervescent tablets

Collective and controlled supply
Innovative galenic of Oligalet Trace Elements allows easy and focused supplementation to be used during 5 days.

Quality and price !
For those who prefer pellets, we suggest our new range The Basics in buckets of 15kg (Trace elements and vitamins).
For more information, please contact : export@vetalis.fr