Dry Cow | Vétalis

The dry period is a vital phase for the dairy cow covering 2 months before calving.

The three main goals are:

  • Rest the udder, in order to heal any subclinical infections (preventing mastitis) and optimize the next lactation.
  • Ensure a good food transition, allowing the lipidic and bone storage reconstitution.
  • Prepare for calving, the dry period is a major growth period of the foetus, which includes the production of colostrum and prevention of retained foetal membranes and metritis for example.

During the dry period, cows use and transfer a high quantity of trace elements in-utero towards the calf and towards the udder. Therefore, if not supplemented, which is often the case with in-calf heifers, trace element deficiencies may occur leading to post-partum issues.

Selenium and Vitamin E increase the immune system of the mother and maximize the passive immune transfer to the calf. These elements which are transferred through the colostrum, play an important role in the robustness and vitality of the calf.

Do it once, Do it right !

One single administration at dry-off to give you peace of mind until calving and the start of lactation !

A 90-day controlled release bolus covering the dry period, calving and first month of lactation.

This bolus is designed to provide trace elements (Copper, Selenium, Manganese, Iodine, Cobalt and Zinc) and vitamins (A and E).

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